Start Here

To build classes you need to sign up to be an Organization Administrator and add your organization, agency or school to the site.  You'll be able to create, modify, publish and remove classrooms, and approve other users for your group.

  • STEP ONE:  Apply for an account here. You'll receive an email to verify your account.

  • STEP TWO:  Click on the link in the email to verify your account and take you to the page where you can register your organization.

  • STEP THREE:  Fill out the form and Submit.  We'll review your application and check with you if there are any questions.

  • STEP FOUR:  Once approved you can log in, set up your organization account and start building classes.  We’ll send you instructions!


Sign up to be a Classroom Builder/Editor.  As a Classroom Builder/Editor you can create, modify and publish classes and upload files for an Organization that has already set up an account.

  • STEP ONE:  Apply for an account here. You will receive an email to verify your account.

  • STEP TWO:  Click on the link in the email to verify your account.  It'll take you to a page where you can select your organization.  

  • STEP THREE:  Once you've submitted your request, the Organization Administrator will get an email and approve your membership.


For security our sign-up is a two-step process. If you don't receive your notification emails or have any questions, please email