What am I supposed to do after I have been served with the Summons, Complaint, and the Notice of Right to Foreclosure Intervention?

What am I supposed to do after I have been served with the Summons, Complaint, and the Notice of Right to Foreclosure Intervention?

You have options. 

You have thirty days from the date you are served to file a written Answer and serve it on the mortgage company's attorney. 

If you are eligible for Foreclosure Intervention (see section on Foreclosure Intervention) then your response can be one of two things:

1.  Send a Request for Foreclosure Intervention; 

2.  Answer the Complaint. 

NOTE:  If you do not own and occupy the property that is being foreclosed, you must Answer the Complaint within thirty days because you are not eligible for Foreclosure Intervention. 

If you are unsure whether you are eligible for Foreclosure Intervention or not, you can request Foreclosure Intervention AND Answer the Complaint to protect yourself.

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