Filing a Wage Complaint with the CT Department of Labor

If you worked and weren’t paid for your time, this class will help you file a wage complaint with the Connecticut Department of Labor.

2. Ask for your paycheck

Go to the employer and ask for your paycheck. The Connecticut Labor Department will not investigate until you have tried to get your money in person. It’s not enough to send a friend or relative or call on the phone—you must ask for your check in person before filing a complaint with the state.


If you worked and weren’t paid for your time, this class will help you file a wage complaint with the Connecticut Department of Labor.

The first thing you should do is ask your employer for your back pay. If you are still not paid, try to talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. If you have very low income and need legal help, call Statewide Legal Services at 860-344-0380 (Central CT & Middletown) or 1-800-453-3320 (all other areas in Connecticut).

1. Write down all the hours you worked

First, write down the days and hours that you worked and were not paid correctly.

Here are some tools you can use to track your hours:

Work Hours Calendar, U.S. Department of Labor

Your employer is supposed to keep records of all wages paid to you and of all the hours you worked, but you should keep your own records, too. This work hours calendar will help you keep as much information as possible.

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